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Speaker Cavinder Statement in Regard to IRS Whistleblower

DECEMBER 9, 2022

LaPORTE—Today Speaker Leo W. Cavinder issued the following statement in regards to further actions taken in response to the investigation conducted by The Select Committee to Investigate House Renovation Practices.
We continue to take steps to hold Mr. Neal accountable in respect to the violations occurred. Since his removal in June 2022, we have passed The Contractor Standards and Accountability Act (CSAA), take civil action against him, and referred him to State and Federal agencies for fraud, waste, and abuse.
We are glad to say that today we have been in touch with the IRS Whistleblower Office and successfully established a case with Mr. Neal. The IRS will now determine whether an investigation is warranted. We believe that the House has a case against Mr. Neal and will continue work to ensure accountability.

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