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Speaker Cavinder Extends State of Emergency

January 19, 2024 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

LaPORTE—Speaker Leo W. Cavinder has extended the State of Emergency until January 20 due to more lake effect snow.

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for La Porte County for an impending snow storm that I believe warrants me to declare a State of Emergency to ensure all House resources are used to their full extent possible. Under my declaration:

  • A State of Emergency is in effect at 9:00 PM CST on January 18 through 2:00 PM on January 20
  • All House Administrative Code (HAC) is suspended if it impacts emergency operations
  • Declare a high travel risk to all House Members
  • Grant persons who are not granted permission to do certain tasks the permission to perform said tasks

  • The full declaration of extention can be viewed at .

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